Amber Chand

Amber Chand is an inspirational speaker and storyteller, visionary life coach and mentor, author, artist and entrepreneur.  Her Dream A New Dream programs and retreats today are designed to support her audiences in living into a new story from a place of courageous love, fearless imagination and enlivened authenticity, no matter how challenging and difficult the circumstances of their lives. As an Indian woman born in Uganda who was expelled from her country as a refugee and as a recent breast cancer survivor, Amber speaks on the power of the resilient spirit, one that weaves together the sacred and strategic, the contemplative and the visionary, the mystical and the practical. She asks: How do we bring the power of our intention, intuition and imagination to shape a new narrative for our lives? For two prior decades, Amber was involved in the world of global commerce and enterprise. Drawn to the marginalized, displaced and invisible – those without a voice – she focused on women’s entrepreneurship in vulnerable regions of the world, including Afghanistan, Iraq and Rwanda. Her global work was publicized in various media, including Marie Claire, Oprah Magazine, NPR, the New York Times and the Boston Globe. She received the Entrepreneur of the Month award by Inc. Magazine and was inducted into the Business Hall of Fame by Bay Path College, Massachusetts. Amber is currently working on her forthcoming book, “The Boatwoman”, part memoir, part musing and part fable. Based on her acclaimed one woman show, Searching For The Moon, the book will be available in 2023. Connect:

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