People of Color Ensemble

Devising Ensembles

The People of Color Ensemble is a brand-new intergenerational ensemble composed of people of color from all backgrounds to engage creatively around discussions about a theme through the lens of race. We use devised theatre techniques and writing exercises to explore the theme of suffrage and reclaiming power over our citizenship in this election year. In devising, we work to uncover what is important to the members in the ensemble within the context of our theme. The criteria for participation are: self-identifying as a person of color, enthusiasm, and the creative impulse to voice your ideas and feelings using multiple forms of artistic expression. 

“It is invigorating and restorative that during a pivotal election year, we can explore artistically ways to take back ownership of a narrative that has been watered down and has inflicted harm to so many communities. To offer space for our community to find their own affirmations during this year is an invaluable resource to our activist community.”

– Lia Russell-Self

We have shifted online, meeting weekly over Zoom, to create and discuss collectively on the themes of suffrage through the lens of race and other intersections of oppression. We are currently meeting through August 2020.

The POC Ensemble is led by WAM Teaching Artists Lia Russell-Self and Trenda Loftin.

Want to learn more about what this year’s ensemble created? Click HERE