How Jayne Atkinson Creates Change

JayneJayne Atkinson is a Berkshire resident best known for her roles in the series House of Cards, Criminal Minds, and 24, and for her Tony-Award-nominated turns on Broadway in The Rainmaker and Enchanted April. Earlier this year she directed and co-produced the sold-out Motherhood Out Loud benefit event. Atkinsons will serve as the host of WAM’s upcoming Theatre’s benefit, CHANGE MAKERS. Here is how she creates change…

How did you first become involved with WAM Theatre, and what keeps you coming back?

Kristen approached me to be on the artistic board and I spoke with her about a passion project that I’d love to do with her involving Women Veterans… she asked if I wanted to host a fundraiser— or as I have coined it a “fun raiser” and I said yes! It felt so powerful to bring women’s parity in my business both in casting and in pay to the public and converse. Then I saw EMILIE (WAM, 2013) and fell even more in love as I saw her mission in action both dramatically and altruistically.

Can you talk about a time when you experienced or participated in positive change being made through the arts? 

I worked with Norma Bowles who began Fringe Benefits – working at that time specifically with homeless gay and lesbian youth- The suicide rate among this group of teens was very high. I put their stories to music and helped give voice to their fears and concerns. It was a very powerful experience for all of us— life changing.

Do you have a favorite quote–from a song, movie, book, poem, TV show, etc.–that seems relevant to the subject of activism and art creating social change? 


What fictional, historical, or current public figure inspires you to take action and create positive change?

Eleanor Roosevelt! She totally rocks!

What current world issues are you most excited about exploring over the next year, do you plan to use Art in this exploration?

I am working with AMBER CHAND on her one woman show called THE HEROINE’S JOURNEY— it is her life story and it is beautiful and inspiring and lays out the difference between the feminine approach to life vs. the masculine— especially in the area of being an entrepreneur. I believe men and women will be inspired by her journey as I have already seen how the audience is inspired by the show… they love it! And they ask wonderful questions!

How do you see theatre and the other arts moving people to take action?

For me that is the whole purpose of theatre really­— to invoke the heart- to invoke reflection and to invoke action whether personally or publicly.

Reserve your place now for WAM Theatre’s CHANGE MAKERS benefit on Sunday, August 24th at 7:00 pm.

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