Why WAM now?

Wear the shirt.  Use the soap.  Burn the candle.  These are three rules I came up with for myself over a decade ago and they serve me well.  For too long I had watched worthy women receive gifts, and carefully set them aside for the day when the event was important enough or when they felt that they deserved them.   A beautiful bottle of bath oils infused with herbs would sit on the back of the toilet for years gathering dust..  The recipient would explain that she was waiting until she had time to take a really long bath.  A gift for a massage is never cashed in.  The recipient was waiting until she injured herself.  A beautiful new scarf lies carefully folded over the back of a chair until a very special day arrives and the recipient feels she can wear it.  I decided, for myself, that the special day is now, today, upon receipt of the gift.  When I turned 50 a friend gave me a beautiful yoga mat – with a very carefully inked message in Sanskrit running up on side, a message wishing me good health in my future.  A gorgeous gift – thank you Liz!  I practice yoga often, and could have set it aside to use, say once a year or for special classes.  Instead, I used it that night and have used it for every practice since.  A year and a half later, it’s showing wear, but it’s a daily reminder of my friend, a milestone, and celebration.

When is the right time to start a theatre company?

Oh, never.  It’s madness really, more time than we have, it takes a kind of hubris I feel I’m lacking now.  When is the time to stop accepting the status quo?  Right now; today, this moment.  When can I combine my passion for empowering girls and women with my skill at theatre?  Right now, today, through WAM Theatre.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts of initiative (and creation).  There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues form the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  Begin it now.” – Goethe

That quote has been on my fridge for years. It’s bold to start a company now in these hard economic times when people have so much competing for their time and money.  But it makes sense.  When I go to the theatre, and the lights go down, my heart goes up.  Whether I like what I see or find fault with it, I am with my community in the dark for that event at that period of time.  I feel connected again, less lonely, more hopeful, I feel joy.  And if I knew that that community was coming together to see good, caring, high-quality work AND some of their money was going directly to help empower women and girls, I think I would feel elation.

When I met Kristen van Ginhoven, it was like being given the gift of a candle.  We are like-minded, we are ready, and we are lighting the candle.  Come join us for the ensuing light, warmth, and fire.

Written by Leigh Strimbeck, Co-Artistic Director of WAM Theatre. www.leighstrimbeck.com

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